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A poem on hope

  In this poem, "the voices of the moon" refer to the heavenly voices which inspire a person to become better. These voices need not come from angles, they come from inside us to give us hope and strength. They help us to believe in ourselves and when we know that we are enough,  enough for the world, this belief, even ignites more and more and we know that we are walking in the right direction. I hope you liked this poem , please share it with your friends.

How I new ideas for creating new poems?

Poetry is a way that helps me to express myself and my thoughts but sometimes I feel stuck and just find myself clueless about what should I write next. I think the same thing happens to you too but don't worry I have got solutions to this problem. Here are some tips which will help you to get new ideas for creating your new poems.  

1. Take inspiration from other poems

I felt very inspired by a poem by John Keats called "A thing of beauty" and was highly impressed by his thoughts. So, I also wanted to write a poem about nature which honestly I had never written and it was a great challenge for me. Please understand that here I am telling you to just take inspiration from the theme of the poem like I took the idea from the theme of nature, but don't try to copy the poet instead use your creativity to beautifully create a poem out of your thoughts because all of us think differently and the more you write about what you feel the more original your work appears.

2. Your favorite things

Often poets write about their favorite persons in life but why don't you write about the other things that you like. For example chocolate, a favorite toy, or a favorite phenomenon like the solar eclipse, etc. I have done this several times and the best thing about this method is that since you love those things ideas automatically flow into your mind. You can check out my poem Aurora and Ode to the moon which I wrote out of my love for these two things.

3. Introspect

Sometimes you just need to focus on your thoughts and beautifully put them in form of a poem because like I said earlier your thoughts are unique and that's why they are original. Just choose a topic let's say death and now start writing your thoughts on it, once finished create a poem out of these points. Check out my poem Daughter of light which was based on my interpretation of light.

4. Writing prompts

There are thousands of writing prompts out there on the internet from there you can get ready-made ideas to write poems. They are good in my opinion because most of them have challenging themes that can help you to expand your understanding and improve your art.

So, here were some ways which I find very useful to create my poems you can use them too if you are unable to generate new ideas for creating new poems.

Thank you for reading this post. I wish you have a great day ahead and please give your feedback in the comments below.



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