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A poem on hope

  In this poem, "the voices of the moon" refer to the heavenly voices which inspire a person to become better. These voices need not come from angles, they come from inside us to give us hope and strength. They help us to believe in ourselves and when we know that we are enough,  enough for the world, this belief, even ignites more and more and we know that we are walking in the right direction. I hope you liked this poem , please share it with your friends.

Literary magazines that pay

 Many people ask do writers earn money? A simple answer to this question is -yes, they do. Here is a list of some literary magazines that pay you to write.


The sun magazine

The sun accepts essays, fiction, poetry, and photographs. For personal essays and fiction about $300-$2000 are paid and for poetry about $100-$250 are paid.

The Threepenny Review

This magazine is interested in poems, short stories and memoirs and pays around $200 for a poem and $400 for stories. 

Banshee Magazine

This magazine accepts poems(6 at a time) , fiction(1500-5000words) , nonfiction(1500-5000) and pays  a small feel along with a copy of the magazine. 

Clarkesworld Magazine

This science-fiction fantasy magazine accepts fiction, nonfiction, artwork. They pay around 10¢ a word for nonfiction and $350 for artwork. 

Aurelius Magazine

They are also interested in fiction, nonfiction and artwork. However, all submissions should be in rtf format only. 

Uncanny Magazine

They accept fiction, nonfiction, novella, poems as well as artwork. For fiction and novellas $0.10 per word is paid, $40 per poem, $100 per nonfiction essay and  $125 per reprinted art. 

Strange horizons

They accept art , poem, fiction, nonfiction and reviews. For a clear understanding visit there website. 

Apex Magazine

This magazine accepts original short fiction with minimum pay of $50.They do not publish poetry. 

So , these are few magazines that will pay you a very good amount if they like your work.

If you like this information please comment below and don't forget to share it with your friends.

Have a pleasant day😊

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